The Salone del Mobile 2024 by Ronda Design

Trends and impressions of the sector’s most eagerly awaited international event Salone del Mobile 2024: the numbers of a record-breaking edition Nothing to do, the Salone is always the Salone! Once again this year, the Salone del Mobile confirmed its leading role on the international scene. Now in its 62nd edition, the event did not disappoint expectations: amidst experimentation, research … Read More

Salone del Mobile 2024: what to expect

As every year, spring marks the arrival of the most important event for international design, and this year Ronda Design will once again be pleased to participate in the Salone del Mobile in Milan. Let’s take a look at what the 2024 edition has in store for us, with new exhibition paths and innovative communication methods. Neuroscience-based exhibition paths One … Read More

Restaurant Restyling with Ronda Design

Two Successful Projects In this article, we will not talk about one, but even two case studies! We are presenting them together because both projects involve restaurants. As professionals in this sector as well as restaurant customers know, restaurants should be places where people feel comfortable and pampered. When we enter a restaurant, there are certain key elements that help … Read More

Decorating with light

The decorative and functional lighting according to Ronda Design In every project, there is a fundamental component, whose role is decisive for the final result: lighting. However, the design of light is not always given the right importance and attention. Whether decorative, functional, or both, lighting is essential to giving a space character. In addition to the essential function of … Read More

The importance of acoustic well-being

What  do we mean by acoustic well-being Acoustic well-being has been an increasingly discussed topic over the past few years. Fundamentally important for public spaces (restaurants, meeting rooms, schools), it awakens an ever-growing interest in private homes as well. In fact, a noisy environment can cause stress, sleep disturbances, and concentration disorders, with a negative impact on life quality. A good environmental acoustics is … Read More

Ideas for marking off spaces

How to divide a space without using walls Contemporary homes tend to offer large, bright, open spaces designed to be enjoyed to the full. Nevertheless, it may be necessary to divide and define the spaces of a large room according to their function. Building walls is the most traditional and ultimate solution for dividing spaces but there are also other … Read More

Sustainable Materials

The three R principle: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle People talk, argue and write about it. Sustainability is such a popular topic that it is almost inevitable to come across it several times a day, even in the most diverse contexts. The fact that people are becoming more aware of environmental issues and of sustainable materials is good news: this awareness is … Read More

How to use false ceilings to define spaces

A functional furnishing element you may never have considered before Have you ever considered using a false ceiling to better highlight your spaces? Read this article to find out how this can be done! What’s the purpose of a false ceiling? False ceilings can meet aesthetic or practical requirements, for instance they can conceal systems or uneven ceilings, or make … Read More

Furnishing with green

A furnishing style that helps you reconnect with nature. Why furnish with green Freshness, vitality and wellbeing. These are the positive sensations that green brings with it. When we furnish a room we don’t just choose furniture and accessories: our goal is to create a space that reflects our personality and makes us feel good. When we talk about furnishing … Read More

How to furnish a bedroom

Ronda Design’s stylish ideas and tips Choosing how to furnish the bedroom is a very important task. This room is, in fact, a special place: the ultimate in terms of intimacy, a space where people feel free to really be themselves. No filters, no faking. In your bedroom, your personality must find the space to unrestrainedly express itself, no matter … Read More