How to furnish the kitchen

come arredare la cucina - foto1

It is the beating heart of the home. It is the room where you laugh, eat, chat, swap secrets. It is the place the welcomes you in the morning, when you’re still bleary-eyed and in need of a strong coffee to wake up. It is where we have lunch and dinner, alone, with friends or our loved-one. In short, it … Read More

Ideas for furnishing your TV wall

Help: ideas needed! How can I furnish my TV wall? Furnishing your living area is always a delicate, yet essential, process. It is a very important room, which in fact affects the vibe of the entire house. The TV wall takes centre stage: this is why it must be furnished lovingly, according to your personal style and preferences. If you … Read More

Acoustic panels: a world to be discovered

Usually the first question that comes to mind when we decide to buy sound-absorbing panels is: “How many acoustic panels do I need to improve the acoustics of my environment?” The question is legitimate, but the answer is far from simple! In fact, there are specialized professionals who can propose the best acoustic solution for a specific environment after having … Read More

Decorate your bathroom with Magnetika

The bathroom is, as well as the kitchen, one of the most used domestic spaces. What makes it extremely interesting compared to the other rooms is its aesthetic and functional evolution. Styles and trends change rapidly and involve both surfaces and everything related to sanitary ware, taps and accessories. The new Ronda Design collection of bathroom accessories ‘Materika Bain’ match … Read More

How to set up a contemporary bedroom

Bedroom is the place of relax and intimacy. Making it cozy and regenerating requires the same attention we dedicate to the more public home environments. Nowadays, metal furniture is quite common for living rooms and kitchens so why don’t we attempt to use it in our bedrooms? Its “cold” appearance could look better elsewhere but the new metal finishes with … Read More

A table top for every need

Once we selected the shape and the size of the table we want at home, the next step is usually the choice of the material for the top. Regarding materials there are many possibilities, but each one has its own characteristics in terms of strength, appearance, ease of maintenance. Here is a roundup of the most used materials and how … Read More

For a truly unique kitchen

How can we customize a composition typically made up of standard units? The proposal of our partner Mascagni in Bologna is to focus on a rigorous style with an industrial touch. In particular, this kitchen composition catches our attention for the absence of wall units, replaced by a Magnetika wall able to match the capacity and functionality of the kitchen … Read More

A structural column in the middle of the room? Here is the solution…

Sometimes it happens… we must design an interior around an architectural element that cannot be eliminated. So the best way to proceed is to use it! This is what Blue Design, our retailer in Milan, has done – they have chosen to enhance the column element by making it functional. Considering the dimensions of the column, it wouldn’t have been … Read More

A metal wall inside bathroom

Parete magnetika bagno

In the bathroom, a room getting more and more relevant in the house and hotel design, we are used to find materials such as stone, ceramics or paint … but we worked with someone who has been able to dare and decontextualize Magnetika by installing it as a back-sink wall.We’re talking about Mobilificio Rossi in Italy, one of our historic … Read More

Not only Magnetika…

… but also tables and chairs! In these pictures, the project of a living inside an elegant villa in Provence, France. The architect Mr Cabinet JP Clement and the decorator Mrs Sylvie Caveriviere need to combine our chairs and our stools to the sober shades of the already present furnitures. A customization possible on our chair collection Asana by Ronda … Read More