Martha and Richard – The finale


We left the storytelling of the #magnetic novel of Martha and Richard when she found the way to meet him… but how did it end? Did they met ? And then what happened ?

Who followed the story step by step, knows we gave you all the possibility to write your own finale. Among the ones we received, we finally chose the one which better underlined the magic of the #magnetic power.

We apologize with all the pessimistic people, who bet Martha and Richard didn’t meet at all, and with everybody who suggested a red-light happy ending, but the selected ending is the one written by Giulia Capello. Here it is :

“Martha and Richard had a coffee together and, during their meeting they comprehended that destiny always finds the way connect who is ‘made to match’… it’s the #magnetic power. After their first date they will certainly meet again but they deceided to leave it to destiny because they know for sure that they’re going to ‘crash’ again everywhere they will go”.