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Asana Stool

Studio 28

A collection of stools characterized by a cozy shape and a soft finish. The structure is available in two different heights. Asana’s structure is proposed in painted metal, and the seat is available in leather, synthetic leather...


Nirvana Stool

Studio 28

A collection of refined and ergonomic stools, available in two different heights. The Nirvana structure is in painted metal while the seat is softly upholstered with leather, synthetic leather or velvet.


Mantra Stool

Gino Carollo

Mantra is a collection of stools available in two versions: one with decorated padding and one with smooth padding. Seat is available in leather, eco-leather or velvet.


Ghanta stool

Gino Carollo

Stool with painted metal frame and wraparound seat with soft upholstery in leather, eco-leather or fabric.